Friday, August 3, 2012

Shefa Elyon

The Hashlamot of Zeir Anpin, of three worlds, are hidden in the secret of 410-417-420, or the secret of 507. Right after that comes the Shefa Elyon, the secret of 420-288-464, the blessing of Arich Anpin. He will be One then, and His Name will be One.

וה' הבוחר בציון יסייענו בסייעתא דשמיא מלאה ושלמה להגיע עד האלף הגדול, שבו הגאולה השלמה במהרה בימינו אמן

Kol Hator 5, 1, 7

- תם הבלוג -

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

From תצ"ט and a half to the Big Aleph

We explained how from the Yom Kippur war onwards a different spiritual reality exists, which guarantees the process to reach the Big Aleph, Keter, according to the words of the GR"A.

The Yom Kippur war was truly טצ"ץ, the left and right convened, both at תצ"ט and a half. In modern notation, both reached the value 499.5, together 999.

The center count, the count of the exile, also reached 499.5. It was in 5708, the year of the Divine response to the Holocaust, arguably the most despicable event of 22 centuries of exile.

So we see that the above guarantee was in fact already in force. The nations of the world have had it coming.

לפי זה הרי לכל דרגה ודרגה הנעשית מקו השמאל, היינו מדת הדין על דרך הטבע, מצטרפת מיד הדרגה מקו הימין היינו מדת החסד בדרך נסית. וכשהפעולה נעשית בצבור נוספת גם הזכות הפרטית של כל אהד ואחד לפי שורש נשמתו מצד הקו האמצעי שהוא מדת הרחמים על הכלל כלו ומכש"כ בעבודת קבוץ גליות שע"ז נאמר ברחמים גדולים אקבצך. ובהגיע הדרגה האחרונה של איתערותא דלתתא, היינו עד תתקצ"ט מעלות, שהיא השלמות של טצ"ץ ביסוד דג' עולמות והשלמתה ע"י האלף הקטן, מיד נוסף ע"ז שפע העליון של האלף הגדול ד-א"א

קול התור ה א

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sign of the Times

I saw in the book Signs of the Times, by Gad Erlanger, on page 45, the statement:

The death of R. Shimon bar Yochai - the revelation of the wisdom of the Kabbalah 180 CE

This is in perfect harmony with the principles explained before. Rav Shimon's death would have been in 3940, 4*464 years before 5796. The last Tikkun of the last Zivug is

16! + (4*464)^2 = (64*71471)^2

So we know why Rav Shimon died. The circle is truly closed.

As a corollary of the above and previous posts, we have:

5774: Shechina
5783: Zeir Anpin
5786: Chochma
5790: Bina
5796: Keter

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Moshe Rabbeinu knew about the principle of 420 and 417. He was born 420 years after Abraham and his brother Aharon was born 417 years after Abraham.

And therefore, it must be that he knew what apparently Eliyahu did not know, i.e., the perush of 410-417-420, which is from the Torah.

But what Moshe did not know is the mathematical truth

14! + 420^2 = (420*703)^2

or, written out,
14*13*12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2 + 420*420 = 420*420*703*703

as it is not from the Torah of Moshe.

Therefore, the secret of the sequence 288-420-464, in

13! + 288^2 = (18*16*274)^2
14! + 420^2 = (15*28*703)^2
15! + 464^2 = (16*71471)^2

escaped Moshe Rabbeinu.


במידה שיחסר לו לאדם בידיעת הסגולות שבכוחות הטבע יחסר לו מאה ידות בחכמת התורה, ובמדת שחכמי התורה ישיגו במחקרי סגולות הטבע יוסיפו מאה שערים בחכמת התורה

(Kol HaTor 5, part 2, 12)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

From טצ"ץ to the Big Eleph

The Yom Kippur war was when the historical טצ"ץ was reached. After this turning point the Messianic force became many times stronger. As a result, the leaders of State of Israel, and the western powers in general, started suddenly feeling what they had done and started to work against the Messianic force. That is, they started working "against G-d."

The western powers are losing their war against G-d. In the words of the GR"A, we are in the process from טצ"ץ, Itaruta D'Latata, to the big Eleph. Nobody can stop it.

הַקָּטֹן יִהְיֶה לָאֶלֶף וְהַצָּעִיר לְגוֹי עָצוּם אֲנִי ה' בְּעִתָּהּ אֲחִישֶׁנָּה

(Yeshayahu 60:22)

The years of searching in the dark for a truth that one feels but cannot express, the intense desire and the alternations of confidence and misgiving until one breaks through to clarity and understanding are known only to him who has himself experienced them. Albert Einstein.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So, this is what Moshe Rabbeinu did not know.

This is what the Arizal lived for, and died for.

This is what the GR"A lived for.

This is what the 16 generations lived and died for, 16 generations of 29 years since the Arizal, and 16 generations of 18 years since the GR"A.

And I, the least of all, I almost died for it. For what, you may ask? For the last Chiddush.

It is certain to happen, as certain as a mathematical truth.

Truly snatched from Heaven. A present to Am Yisrael.

HaKadosh Baruch Hu has granted you to see this.

Understand it well!

Devarim 32:44, verse 5796:

Moshe came, ..., he and Hoshea bin-Nun

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bina and Chochma

The Tikunim for 10! through 14! can be written as follows:

10! + 15^2 = (15*127)^2
11! + 18^2 = (18*351)^2
13! + (18*16)^2 = (18*16*274)^2
14! + (15*28)^2 = (15*28*703)^2

From this follows a pairing that differs slightly from the previous one, 10! pairs with 14! and 11! with 13!. It stresses the equality of Bina and Chochma.

If, then, 420 (15*28) can be identified as the period until 5786, the 464 (16*29) in

15! + 464^2 = (16*71471)^2

must be a period also. Well, 464 years before 5796 was 5332, the year the Arizal died.

What then about the third number, 288 (18*16)? It represents, encodes, that in 5790 the time of Moshiach ben Yosef is over. The count is the number of years since 5501, the years of B'Ita Achishena.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Five Zivugim

5773-5774: The holy arrow, first Zivug, the Shechina.
5781-5783: The revelation of HaShem, second Zivug, Zeir Anpin.
5786-5792: Din turns into Chesed, the Truth arises, third Zivug, Bina.
5790-5795: The Truth over Law, fourth Zivug, Chochma.
5796-5811: The closing of the circle, fifth Zivug, Keter.

See here for further background.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I wanted to address two related rather ancient misunderstandings regarding the month of Nissan. Nissan is Rosh HaShana of kings. One can ask the question in what year, of the King, we live.

The year in Nissan follows the year in Tishrei. It does not precede it. The King became king, as it were, on the first of Nissan. The Sun was created on the fourth day of Nissan, and man was created on the sixth day of Nissan. And the month of Nissan 5772 is the first month of the 5772th year of the King.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kiddush HaShem

The prophet Ezekiel, in a magnificent and soul-shattering, fundamental explanation, speaks (Chapter 36:19-24) of the wrath of G-d directed at the Jews because of their sins and His driving them into Exile:
"I scattered them among the nations, into which they came, they desecrated My holy Name, in that men said of them, 'These are the people of the L-rd and they are gone out of His land!'
"But I had pity on My holy Name, which the House of Israel had desecrated among the nations, into which they came.
"Therefore, say to the House of Israel, thus says the L-rd: I do not do this for your sake, O House of Israel, but for the sake of My holy Name, which you have desecrated among the nations, to which you came.
"And I will sanctify My great Name which was desecrated among the nations, which you have desecrated among them; then the nations will know that I am the L-rd, says the L-rd G-d, when I become sanctified IN YOU before their eyes.
"For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the lands, and I will bring you to your own land."

Jews! Read these words and understand. Understand just who we are and what we are. Understand the essence of Desecration and Sancification!
Do you want to know how the Name of G-d is desecrated in the eyes of the mocking and sneering nations? It is when the JEW, His people, His Chosen, is desecrated! When the JEW is beaten, G-d is profaned. When the JEW is humiliated - G-d is shamed! When the JEW is attacked - it is an assault upon the Name of G-d!
"And when they came into the nations, they desecrated My holy Name." The very fact of Exile, the very reality of the Jews being driven from their land and forced to dwell as beaten strangers in foreign lands - THIS ITSELF IS HILLUL HASHEM, DESECRATION OF THE NAME OF G-D!
..."For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the lands, and I will bring you to your own land." An end to Exile - that is Kiddush Hashem.

Meir Kahane, in a speech just before the Yom Kippur war,
citing from the Haftara of Parshat Parah, last weeks reading.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

In These Days

In these days of historic destiny, when war and violence threaten us from all sides and all our enemies thirst for the destruction of the Jewish state and people, the categorical imperative for the Jew is to know himself, to understand the greatness and uniqueness that is inherent in him as an individual and as a people, to appreciate from whence he came and to what glorious and unstoppable destiny he marches...
The Jew is like no other people on earth. He can neither be like the goyim nor amongst them. He is special, unique, chosen. He is the Chosen people of G-d with a special destiny, mission and task. There is nothing the gentile can do to oppose this and there is nothing the Jew can do to escape from it...
The G-d of the Jews is the G-d of History. He is. He exists. He is real. He dominates and controls. He shapes the present and decrees the future...

Segments of Yisrael v'Nitzchono by Meir Kahane
Written on the eigth day of the Yom Kippur war

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

ואתה תצוה את בני ישראל ויקחו אליך שמן זית זך כתית למאור להעלת נר תמיד

The first Pasuk of the upcoming Parasha, Tetzaveh, contains the timing of the Messianic process. It is good to go back and study it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Two Views

In the view that נ"ב is 45,128 "years" plus 7,000 - 128, we live in a Universe that is currently 13755317923 years (45128*304805 + 73440 + 4443) old.

In the view that נ"ב is the latter part of 45,128 "years", as explained in the previous post, the two culminating in 6129, we live in a Universe that is currently 13755249683 years (45128*304805 - 357) old.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Song

Earlier we presented the age of the Universe as 46,000 "years", up till day 42 of the "Omer", up till 6,000 years of the week before Shabbat Bereishit. Together 52,000 years.

This was a preliminary calculation. Later, we changed the 46,000 into 45,128 "years", and hence we "broke" the 52,000. As it happens, the 52 generations of 120 years from year -111 to 6129 come to replace the notion of 52, the number of Malchut, the number of Knesset Yisrael. Further, the 45,128 years are a broken version the name of HaShem, corrected as it were in the year 6129.

And so we have the two holy names associated to the year 6129. Who understands will sing with me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Fiftieth Level

From here:

"From the rule of Chochma in year -111 until 6129 are 6240 years, by Hashgacha a number close to 6000. These are the years that saw the rise and the evolution of human culture. The word B'Reshit hints, via the letter Bet, at two beginnings, the first through Keter and beyond, and the second through Chochma. During the ages, until modern times, the beginning through Keter was not known. Only the beginning through Chochma was revealed. Correspondingly, the world was held to be young. Correspondingly, the final redemption could not come until our times."

Moshe wrote according to what was revealed to him, according to 49 levels of Bina. According to the "fiftieth" level, redemptive history is divided into 50 generations of 120 years, starting with the year -111. In the year 5769, the fiftieth generation started. And so we see how the fiftieth level of Bina is called Keter, because only knowledge about Keter leads to the fiftieth level. Keter is Truth. The world is ancient.

Friday, January 20, 2012


El Shaddai versus HaShem, Shemot 6:2. In truth, also to Moshe was HaShem not revealed completely. He lacked Keter, the Kotz of the Yud. He lacked the 50th level of Bina. Hence, the Land was conquered by the left, through Gevura, not by El Shaddai, and Moshe was exiled trying to restore, to reach Keter. Am Yisrael will find him, as he will succeed.

Black I am, yet charming (Shir 1:5).

(Ramchal Tikkun ל"ב)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rav Yaakov Yosef

Rav Yaakov Yosef is sick. May he be blessed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Free Will

Tsadikim are great lights, and at the same time, suffer, awesomely and profoundly. Without apparent reason. This must be so, as long as there is free will. To the degree that Moshiach, ben Yosef, dies. This is in concept, may Moshiach not die.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

איל משולש

At the end of איל משולש, in chapter 10, the GR"A hints at the year 5836. He writes that the product of the first three digits hints at בשגם הוא בשר (Bereshit 6:3, Kol HaTor 3:4). Year 5836 is 40 years after 5796, which fits what we have said.