In these days of historic destiny, when war and violence threaten us from all sides and all our enemies thirst for the destruction of the Jewish state and people, the categorical imperative for the Jew is to know himself, to understand the greatness and uniqueness that is inherent in him as an individual and as a people, to appreciate from whence he came and to what glorious and unstoppable destiny he marches...
The Jew is like no other people on earth. He can neither be like the goyim nor amongst them. He is special, unique, chosen. He is the Chosen people of G-d with a special destiny, mission and task. There is nothing the gentile can do to oppose this and there is nothing the Jew can do to escape from it...
The G-d of the Jews is the G-d of History. He is. He exists. He is real. He dominates and controls. He shapes the present and decrees the future...
Segments of Yisrael v'Nitzchono by Meir Kahane
Written on the eigth day of the Yom Kippur war