The prophet Ezekiel, in a magnificent and soul-shattering, fundamental explanation, speaks (Chapter 36:19-24) of the wrath of G-d directed at the Jews because of their sins and His driving them into Exile:
"I scattered them among the nations, into which they came, they desecrated My holy Name, in that men said of them, 'These are the people of the L-rd and they are gone out of His land!'
"But I had pity on My holy Name, which the House of Israel had desecrated among the nations, into which they came.
"Therefore, say to the House of Israel, thus says the L-rd: I do not do this for your sake, O House of Israel, but for the sake of My holy Name, which you have desecrated among the nations, to which you came.
"And I will sanctify My great Name which was desecrated among the nations, which you have desecrated among them; then the nations will know that I am the L-rd, says the L-rd G-d, when I become sanctified IN YOU before their eyes.
"For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the lands, and I will bring you to your own land."
Jews! Read these words and understand. Understand just who we are and what we are. Understand the essence of Desecration and Sancification!
Do you want to know how the Name of G-d is desecrated in the eyes of the mocking and sneering nations? It is when the JEW, His people, His Chosen, is desecrated! When the JEW is beaten, G-d is profaned. When the JEW is humiliated - G-d is shamed! When the JEW is attacked - it is an assault upon the Name of G-d!
"And when they came into the nations, they desecrated My holy Name." The very fact of Exile, the very reality of the Jews being driven from their land and forced to dwell as beaten strangers in foreign lands - THIS ITSELF IS HILLUL HASHEM, DESECRATION OF THE NAME OF G-D!
..."For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the lands, and I will bring you to your own land." An end to Exile - that is Kiddush Hashem.
Meir Kahane, in a speech just before the Yom Kippur war,
citing from the Haftara of Parshat Parah, last weeks reading.