Earlier we presented the age of the Universe as 46,000 "years", up till day 42 of the "Omer", up till 6,000 years of the week before Shabbat Bereishit. Together 52,000 years.
This was a preliminary calculation. Later, we changed the 46,000 into 45,128 "years", and hence we "broke" the 52,000. As it happens, the 52 generations of 120 years from year -111 to 6129 come to replace the notion of 52, the number of Malchut, the number of Knesset Yisrael. Further, the 45,128 years are a broken version the name of HaShem, corrected as it were in the year 6129.
And so we have the two holy names associated to the year 6129. Who understands will sing with me.