Friday, March 4, 2011


The currents in the Sambatyon form a dynamic double helix. Who crosses correctly, in Kedusha, at the right and holy times, makes progress, becomes gradually free, transforms the circle into a line, until Nature submits when the source is reached. Who crosses in Tum'ah will not perceive the times, and will regress. Multiple sacred crossings lead to the source, to the mountain from under which the river stems. There are three more mountains beyond, encircled and pierced by other rivers, which are straight. That is, their waters stream like lines, not in circles, not like helixes. However, the lines do split into many arms. The same water is shared by the Sambatyon and the other rivers. Yet, it is hard to pursue the streams from one river to the other. There is no other way through, though. Three mountains can be reached and climbed by all, by male and female, of every tribe. The fourth mountain, Divine Will, stands separate. It is the furthest and highest and has a white golden crown. It has four parts. Three of them can be climbed, but not by all. The fourth stands untouchable.