Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rav Kook on Geulat HaRatzon

I wrote about the exalted level man can reach, when man's free will becomes congruent with the Divine Will. I thought to translate a small segment of Rav Kook's elaborations on this matter. Here is Chapter 29 of Iggrot HaKoshesh:

"It impossible to understand the wondrous human will in all of its magnificent freedom, except as a spark of the big flame of the great Will that is in all existence, the expression of the Will of the Master of the Universe, Blessed is He. Through the sanctification of [human] will, the branch becomes similar to its root, draws from it, and connects to it, and from its light [man] becomes filled with its plentiful life, with its eternal and complete fullness.

Given the condition of human will, because of his engagement with smallness and private matters of the partial containment that he is held within, [man] separates his will from his source of life, and causes weakness, loss of power, and brings darkness to the most internal essence of his being, which is his will, which is his source of honor.

All toiling in ethics, and all emergences of spirituality in the world, is directed to the exalted goal of the redemption of the will (Geulat HaRatzon), and the return [of man] to the source of his essential life, to be planted in the house of HaShem, to produce branches and fruit, sprouts and flowers, and much produce, to become one in complete and living oneness, [to stand] in the truth of the universal Will, which is the light of HaShem and His Honor, which is in the Neshamah of all of reality."