Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Razei HaTorah

At times, Moshiach wants to reveal the light in full, and draw Gan Eden to this world, as it says (Shemot 2:3):

ותש"ם בסוף על שפת היאור

Read אור יה, the light of HaShem. However, Moshiach is bound to the decree (Shemot 1:22):

כל הבן הילוד היוארה תשליכוהו

A son is born to us (Yeshaya 9:5), but he must remain in Gan Eden. He must remain with the light of HaShem, Razei HaTorah. Read תשכילוהו. In this world, Israel must separate from Razei HaTorah, which are for Gan Eden. In this world, only the Pshat remains, darkness. In the darkness (Daniel 12:3),

והמשכילים יזהרו כזהר הרקיע

The Maskilim will shine like the brightness of the firmament. Who are the Maskilim? Those who separate from this world, go היאורה, rise to Gan Eden. What is the light that the Maskilim emit? Razei HaTorah.