Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Building of the World

The Talmud states in Shabbat 114a that Torah scholars are engaged in the Binyan, the building, of the world.

Halacha, Jewish Law, is related to the laws of Nature, as it says in Yirmyahu 33:25 (in one interpretation): "Thus said HaShem, if My Covenant would not be kept day and night, I would not maintain Heaven and Earth." On one hand, the laws of Nature cause Hester Panim, the apparent absence of HaShem, lack of freedom, Galut. On the other hand, the suffering of the Jew in Galut draws Chesed to the world. Hence, even as Halacha in itself represents Din, the People of Israel bring Chesed to the world.

Chochmat HaTorah, the study and development of the secrets of Torah within the context of Halacha, draws Chesed to the world, within the context of the Din of the laws of Nature. Shivat Zion, the return of the People of Israel to the Land of Israel, is a natural process. But it is clearly miraculous, reveals Chesed, brings freedom. The Chesed is from HaShem, but it has a human source as well. It derives from the suffering of the People of Israel and from the achievements of the wise of Israel. The development of Chochmot HaOlam, especially Science and Technlogy, is equally miraculous, reveals the same Chesed, and is from the same source.

Shivat Zion is nearing completion. The end of Galut is close. Chochmot HaOlam will return to the source, and Chochma will increase. The Hanhaga of Chesed will increase. The world will be lifted up.