Monday, March 21, 2011

Etz HaChaim

The trees of Yosef and Yehudah are really branches, and the former is to be grafted on the latter. Both branches have three knuckles. The branch of Yosef has Galut, Shivat Zion, and Chochmot HaOlam. The branch of Yehuda has Halacha, Chochmat HaTorah, and Keter, which is the great Aleph (טצ"ץ אאאצצץ"ץ for who understands). At Chochma, the two branches are compatible, can be grafted, because Chochmot HaOlam and Chochmat HaTorah can be merged. Through the graft, Keter is shared by Yosef and Yehuda. There will be one king. The grafted tree, created by man, will be eternal, in the hands of HaShem. The tree, then, is Etz HaChaim, the tree of life.