Sunday, May 16, 2010

Seven Steps

The following is from Kol HaTor, chapter 4:

ואלה הם עיקרי דרכי האתחלתא דגאולה המעשית באיתערותא דלתתא

קבוץ גליות, ב) בנין ירושלים, ג) ביעור רוח הטומאה מן הארץ ע"י נטיעת אדמת הקדש וקיום מצוות התלויות בה, סוד קץ המגולה, ד) גאולת האמת ע"י הקמת אנשי אמנה, ה) קדוש השם, ו) גלוי רזי התורה, ז) תקון עולם במלכות שדי


Practically, these are the principal paths for action during the beginning of the Redemption when the awakening starts from below:

1) Gathering in the exiles;
2) Rebuilding Jerusalem;
3) Eradicating the impure spirit from the Land by planting the Holy Land and fulfilling the commandments that depend on living in Israel, which is connected with the revealed end;
4) Redeeming Truth by setting up people of Truth (Anshei Amana);
5) Sanctifying God;
6) Revealing the mysteries of the Torah;
7) Repairing the world in the Malchut of the Almighty.
Regarding steps 4 and 5, the GR"A foresaw that the merging of upper and lower Chochma would lead to great Kiddush HaShem. Recently, in the wake of certain attempts to unify scientific findings with Torah, two leading students of the heritage of the GR'A, Rav Elya Weintraub and Rav Moshe Sternbuch, have openly challenged established scientific findings. For the time being, Chillul HaShem takes the place of Kiddush HaShem. The pivotal fourth step, which corresponds to the fourth Tikkun of chapter 5, will be a daunting task.