Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chizkiyahu HaMelech

Chazal teach us (Sanhedrin 94a) that HaShem wanted to make king Chizkiyahu Moshiach. The previous post raises the question how he fits in. Chizkiyahu ruled from 3202-3230 in the Seder-Olam based calendar that has the first Churban in year 3339. Historically, the Churban took place 164 years before, in the year 3175. Historically, then, it appears that Chizkiyahu died in 3066.

If so, we can say that Chizkiyahu fits the Shita of Rav Yehuda who said in the name of Shmuel (Sanhedrin 99a) that Moshiach comes halfway year 1 and the Keitz. With the Keitz in 6129, the time for Moshiach would be 3065, one year before Chizkiyahu's death.