Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Wars of Ishmael

In the era of redemption Ishmael will rise up and become strong while hating Isaac, Jacob and their descendants. They will provoke kings and nations, while the world is sinking into a chaos of wars and tragedies. The following is from Pesikta Rabbati (Kumi Ori 36):
R. Yitzchak said: "The year the Messianic king is revealed... Persia will provoke Arabia, Arabia will go to Edom, to take counsel from them, and then Persia will go back and destroy the whole world... Israel will be in a tumultuous panic, asking: "Where shall we go? What shall we do?"

The Holy Zohar, likewise, often states that the Ishmaelites will attack the Jewish People and Eretz Yisrael in the end of days. The Zohar Bereshit, 119a, teaches: "At that time the Ishmaelites will be aroused together with all the nations of the world to attack Jerusalem." The Zohar further teaches (Vaera, 32a):
The Ishmaelites shall long have control over the Holy Land when it is empty... and will deter Israel from returning to their place... In the future, they will stir up major wars, and Edom's descendants will gather against them and wage war on them... one on the sea, one on dry land, and one near Jerusalem. These will employ great force against each other, and the Holy Land will not be given over to Edomite control.
Thus the war of Ishmael will be against Israel and will also be part of the series of wars between the nations.

All this will occur in an age of global collapse, which G-d will bring in order to punish the nations, sanctify His profaned name, defeat and eradicate false gods and religions, and publicize His Oneness to all the world.

[Rabbi Meir Kahane, Or HaRa'ayon - English translation - chapter 29]