Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ongoing Assault

Obama visited "the Gulf," for the fourth time, on day 56 of the disaster. Amazing, Obama now visits the Gulf more often than Mitchell visits Israel...

Obama exclaimed: "This is not simply one catastrophic event. It is an ongoing assault, whose movements are constantly changing."

I heard Obama describe his treatment of Israel: It is not simply one catastrophic event. It is an ongoing assault, whose movements are constantly changing.

On day 57, Obama spoke about the people of the Gulf coast who had been hoping to recover from hurricane Katrina. They had hoped for a good fishing season and a good tourist season. Instead, they are hit by the current tragedy. Obama is going to measure progress by how these people are helped.

Well, Obama's assault on Israel is hitting a people that had hoped to recover from the expulsion of Jews from the Gaza strip. They had hoped for a temporary freeze of international pressure. Instead, they are now hit by a building freeze, even in Yerushalayim, forced negotiations, and international flotillitis. Obama is being measured by his own yardstick.