Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sifra D'Tzniuta

When Malchut is with Bina, and Zeir Anpin with Chochma, the harmony between left and right, and between Masculine and Feminine, is complete. Din, sweetened by Chesed, becomes perfect Rachamim. To reach this state of complete Tikkun, Malchut must give up the direct connection with the right, and Zeir Anpin must give up the direct connection with the left.

As the Mochin of Malchut are completed, at 66.5/67, they move to Bina, replacing the Mochin of Zeir Anpin, which move to Abba. This is the first stage of the Nesira: The Tikkunim rise from Netzach, Hod and Yesod, hereto hidden behind the Mochin of Malchut, but now revealed, to Chochma, Bina, and Da'at. Lastly, the Tikkunim of Tiferet go to Keter. The Chasadim granted to Malchut by virtue of the connection with the right, move along with the Mochin. Together with the latter, the Chassadim are given to Zeir Anpin. In return, the Gevurot granted to Zeir Anpin by virtue of the connection with the left, are given to Malchut. This moves Malchut to the left, and Zeir Anpin to the right.

Malchut is now in darkness, while Tzaddik is in light. The darkness serves to see where is the light. A great force ensues, drawing Malchut upwards to Zeir Anpin, from the left. Through the Zivug, Malchut receives back the Chassadim, while returning the Gevurot to Zeir Anpin. New Mochin for Malchut come from Imma, born from the elevation of Abba caused by receiving the Mochin of Zeir Anpin.