Friday, January 28, 2011

A Vision

I saw Myriads gazing at the Palace. Yet, I was alone, looking down at the Palace of the Queen. She was concealed, I could not see. Sh'ma Yishrael! I walked to the Palace of the King. May His Mercy overcome His Anger! I heard the Myriads, outside. They were looking into a wrong direction. Previously, I had walked among them and was amazed, and greatly impressed. King of the Universe, Your Nation is waiting! May Your Mercy overcome Your Anger! I heard the prophetess speak. The King, of the days of old, He is revealed, look! Her words were concealed. The Myriads did not understand and they did not see. She was silenced and spoke no more.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Deeds, not Words

ויאמר יי' אל משה מה תצעק אלי, אלי דייקא, דבר אל בני ישראל ויסעו, ויסעו דייקא, במזלא הוה תלי דבעא לאוקיר דקניה והישר בעיניו תעשה והאזנת למצותיו ושמרת כל חקיו עד כאן, כי אני יי' רפאך להאי דוקא

ספרא דצניעותא

And HaShem said to Moshe, what are you shouting at Me? At Me, specifically! Tell to Bnei Yisrael that they should travel [and that they should stop shouting at Me]! It [the Geula] is dependent on the Highest One. He wants to show His Grandeur [but whether you will see it depends on you]. [To merit the Geula:] Do what is right in His eyes, pay attention to His commandments and keep all His decrees, and then, but only to such people, "I am HaShem your Healer."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

חבלי לידה

Three words in BaMidbar 12:13

ויצעק משה אל יהוה לאמר אל נא רפא נא לה

have quite similar numerical values - ויצעק equals 276, לאמר equals 271, and רפא equals 281. Three pregnancies are hinted at, three causes of חבלי לידה, birth pangs. Moving five (Chassadim) from רפא to לאמר, the Pasuk can be written as

ויצעק משה אל יהוה
ויצעק אל נ"ב
ויצעק נ אל ה

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Giving Nation

If אל ה refers to Bina, what does אל נא refer to? The gematria of נא is 51, נ"ב including the Kollel, and refers to Malchut. Malchut heals Bina by giving the Chassadim. Malchut must give when it costs.

We must become a giving Nation. Each Jew must give to the other without expecting anything in return. LiShmah. Only a giving Nation will merit the Zivug, in which both Malchut and Zeir Anpin give, and receive from the other. Only a giving Nation will merit the Revelation of the Name.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

רפא נא לה

When Moshe Rabbeinu and Tzipora separate, this represents the Nesira. After the Nesira, Miryam utters Din and becomes ill. Miryam represents Bina. Moshe then prays for her healing:

אל נא רפא נא לה

The Pasuk can be analysed as a sequence of names of HaShem, reading it as

אל נא רפא נ אל ה

The Nun refers to the 50 Gates of Wisdom, Bina. The Heh also refers to Bina, the aspect of HaShem represented by the first Heh in Shem HaShem.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Right Hand's Healing

The source of the Chassadim of Malchut is on the left. Hence, when the Tikkunim of Hod go up to Bina, at 67, Ateret HaYesod of the Feminine, the Chassadim of Malchut follow the Tikkunim, to the upper source, Bina. The right hand heals the left Moach. Malchut remains in semi-darkness. The darkness becomes complete when the Gevurot are received. This is only just before the Zivug. Before, in the semi-darkness, there is a semi-Zivug, but it does not lead to Gilui HaBrit.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sifra D'Tzniuta

When Malchut is with Bina, and Zeir Anpin with Chochma, the harmony between left and right, and between Masculine and Feminine, is complete. Din, sweetened by Chesed, becomes perfect Rachamim. To reach this state of complete Tikkun, Malchut must give up the direct connection with the right, and Zeir Anpin must give up the direct connection with the left.

As the Mochin of Malchut are completed, at 66.5/67, they move to Bina, replacing the Mochin of Zeir Anpin, which move to Abba. This is the first stage of the Nesira: The Tikkunim rise from Netzach, Hod and Yesod, hereto hidden behind the Mochin of Malchut, but now revealed, to Chochma, Bina, and Da'at. Lastly, the Tikkunim of Tiferet go to Keter. The Chasadim granted to Malchut by virtue of the connection with the right, move along with the Mochin. Together with the latter, the Chassadim are given to Zeir Anpin. In return, the Gevurot granted to Zeir Anpin by virtue of the connection with the left, are given to Malchut. This moves Malchut to the left, and Zeir Anpin to the right.

Malchut is now in darkness, while Tzaddik is in light. The darkness serves to see where is the light. A great force ensues, drawing Malchut upwards to Zeir Anpin, from the left. Through the Zivug, Malchut receives back the Chassadim, while returning the Gevurot to Zeir Anpin. New Mochin for Malchut come from Imma, born from the elevation of Abba caused by receiving the Mochin of Zeir Anpin.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Az YaShir

How can matter come from nothing?
How can life arise out of dead matter?
How can consciousness arise out of lowly life?
How can Kedushah arise from Tum'ah?
How can goodness survive evil?
How can good conquer evil?
How can the mundane reach the spiritual?
How can lowly man reach wisdom?
How can man know the Creator?
It is all impossible.
But it happened, it happens, and it will happen.
Az YaShir Moshe.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There is Hope

As Bina is synchronized with Zeir Anpin, Tikkunim can flow from the former to the latter, throughout history, at appointed times, until 511 of Zeir Anpin - ויש תקו"ה לאחריתך, it applies to Bina. Then, Zeir Anpin becomes synchronized with Chochma, at ע"ב of the latter. This is profound. HaShem will be One. Then, Malchut synchronizes with Bina. And his Name will be One. That is even more profound. Indeed, there is great hope. The Mercy of Yom HaKippurim will fill the world. Am Yisrael will be filled with the Knowledge of Hashem.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mystics of Thirteen and Fourteen

At the third Samech, 14 Tikkunim are completed, 13 for Zeir Anpin, one for Malchut. After half a week, at 13 (+60) of Bina, which is 11 (+500) of Zeir Anpin (73 weeks is 511 days), Zeir Anpin passes Bina, being drawn to the secret of Chochma. A week later, at 13 (+60) of Chochma, which is 14 (+500) of Malchut, Malchut is drawn to the secret of Bina, to converge with Bina at 14. At 13 of the Feminine, the Masculine unites. Conversely, when the Masculine reaches 13, the Feminine unites, at 14.

The rivers split equally between left and right. The area in the middle is the week between 507 of the right and 506.5 of the left. At another level, it is the week-and-a-half between 67 of the left and 66.5 of the right, a span of 11 days from female to male.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hadar, Moshiach and Keter Yosef

Melech Hadar rules until 67, but there he lives on, until Motza'ei Shevi'it, to reach Moshiach. From 67 of the center, Motza'ei Shevi'it is 66.5 of the left, and Hadar lives on, on the left. From 67 of the left, Motza'ei Shevi'it is 66 of the right, and Hadar lives on, on the right. From 67 of the right, Motza'ei Shev'it is 67 of Keter Yosef. Hadar reaches the days of Moshiach. Moshiach and Hadar are the same. Note that 66 of Keter Yosef is 66.5 of the right, 60 of Keter Yosef is 66 of the right, 56 of Keter Yosef is 67 of the left, whereas the days of Hadar start at 45 of Keter Yosef - four beginnings of trouble.