Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The politicians who print money to avoid the flood until they are gone, fan the flames. Suddenly, the loans with their high interest rates become Swords of Damocles, permanently disturbing the sleep of millions. Both borrower and lender live in fear. The former, of not being able to repay and thus losing his possessions. The latter - mostly banks - of the huge amounts of loans whose loss would spell disaster for a system already in deep crisis as billions of dollars in foreign loans to govermments overseas are quietly written off as unpayable. The explosion of the credit deck of cards is an arrow aimed at the heart of American democracy and social order. It will prove the illusory nature of the pension system - both governmental and private - a pension system that tens of millions innocently believe is there and theirs. Economic collapse will see raging mobs seeking both scapegoat and vengeance. The demagogues and haters will gladly present both. The scapegoat will be the minority who is so visible in his wealth and success; whose name in taverns and bars (the only places where one really hears the truth of what America thinks) brings forth hideous envy and jealousy and hate. His name is the Jew.

(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")