The Nesira divides between two phases of Hashgacha. Before Nesira, Tikkunim fix the Sephirot, and through them the Partzufim. After the Nesira, Tikkunim are received by the Partzufim, and reach Sephirot through them.
Nesira is a process, not an event. At Yesod, Hod, and Netzach, Nesira takes place at 66.5, and at 67. At Chesed, Din, and Tiferet, Nesira takes place at 506.5. This is where the Atara starts. Before the Nesira, Atara refers specifically to Yesod, and generally to the Sephirot of Zeir Anpin. After Nesira, Atara refers to the upper Partzufim, and in particular to Arich Anpin.
The first Sephira to reach Atara is Yesod, at 66.5 of the center. The Tikkunim of Yesod move to Da’at, on the left side. Next is Hod, at 66.5 of the left. The Tikkunim of Hod move to Imma. Next is Chesed, at 506.5 of the right. The Tikkunim of Chesed move to Malchut, which now has Shlemut. Next is Netzach, at 67 of the right. The Tikkunim of Netzach move to Abba. Next is Tiferet, at 506.5 of the center. The Tikkunim of Tiferet move to Da'at, on the right side. Next is Din/Gevura, at 506.5 of the left. The Tikkunim of Din move to Zeir Anpin, which is now complete.
Malchut can rise after the completion of the Nesira of Yesod, Hod, Netzach and Tiferet, because here is where Malchut is connected, back to back.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Two Lines
Regarding Nesira, 506.5 is a line, not a point. It goes from right to left. The center is after seven years, in the third year of Shmita. Seven years, that brings Din. The length of the line is twelve, Chesed. Conversely, 66.5 is a line from center to right. Its length is 19, Chesed. At 6 years it touches the left, including it in the right - Din turning into Chesed for Yisrael. The economic upheaval is about to intensify. The price of crude oil went up some four dollars in two weeks.
Monday, December 20, 2010
If Israel's "lights" walk in darkness, how can it be that we are close to the Redemption? Seeing the troubles that threaten Am Yisrael, and the world, how is it that the Light is close?
The rise of Malchut towards Keter has started covertly, in darkness, as I have explained with the help of Heaven. Just before the light breaks, the darkness increases. This is the secret of Nesira.
The prophet Yeshayahu (9:1) said: "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Know that the darkness must be.
The rise of Malchut towards Keter has started covertly, in darkness, as I have explained with the help of Heaven. Just before the light breaks, the darkness increases. This is the secret of Nesira.
The prophet Yeshayahu (9:1) said: "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Know that the darkness must be.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Thought for the Fast
The Plan: Man must leave all kinds of idol worship, increase in Chochma, and through Chochma reach the Knowledge of HaShem. This is the Plan for every individual. This is the Plan for mankind.
When the time came for mankind to terminate idol worship, Am Yisrael should have led the world to progress, but in fact, Am Yisrael was the champion of idol worship. This brought the first exile, through which idol worship was abolished. Progress did come, though from "left field." Through the Babylonians.
When the time came for mankind to attain Chochma, Am Yisrael was again not ready to lead. This brought the second exile, through which Chochma is increasing. Progress did come, though from left field. Towards the end of the exile, Arizal, Ramchal, Vilna Gaon, and those who remained unknown, merited opening the gates of the upper Chochma. The lower Chochma came to the world largely through the secular Jew, though the initial sparks were Newton and Maxwell, non-Jews: The scientific revolution came from left field also.
Mankind will be led to the Knowledge of HaShem, and this must occur via the Jew. Am Yisrael is surely getting ready. Progress is coming, but watch out: It is coming from another left field. It cannot come from those who reject Chochma - lower or higher. Be ready. Have a good fast.
(מכתב ס'ב)
When the time came for mankind to terminate idol worship, Am Yisrael should have led the world to progress, but in fact, Am Yisrael was the champion of idol worship. This brought the first exile, through which idol worship was abolished. Progress did come, though from "left field." Through the Babylonians.
When the time came for mankind to attain Chochma, Am Yisrael was again not ready to lead. This brought the second exile, through which Chochma is increasing. Progress did come, though from left field. Towards the end of the exile, Arizal, Ramchal, Vilna Gaon, and those who remained unknown, merited opening the gates of the upper Chochma. The lower Chochma came to the world largely through the secular Jew, though the initial sparks were Newton and Maxwell, non-Jews: The scientific revolution came from left field also.
Mankind will be led to the Knowledge of HaShem, and this must occur via the Jew. Am Yisrael is surely getting ready. Progress is coming, but watch out: It is coming from another left field. It cannot come from those who reject Chochma - lower or higher. Be ready. Have a good fast.
אין אדם מוצא לעתיד לבא אלא האור מה שהמשיך בידיעתו בעולם הזה. מי שידע הפנימיות יהנה באור הפנימי, ומי שלא השיגו לא יהנה ממנו על שום פנים. וכי יאמרו: הלא הדינים צריכים בישראל – הנעזוב אותם? לא, לא נעזוב אותם, אבל נקבע להם זמנים לפי שאי אפשר בלאו הכי, אך לא בהם נבלה זמננו ח"ו. הלא זה רע בעולם הזה, שרוב חכמי ישראל כבר רחקו מעל האמת ומן האור הנעים, כבוד ה' אלוקינו, ללכת אחרי פלפוליהם של הבל
(אגרות רמח"ל פ'ח)(מכתב ס'ב)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The politicians who print money to avoid the flood until they are gone, fan the flames. Suddenly, the loans with their high interest rates become Swords of Damocles, permanently disturbing the sleep of millions. Both borrower and lender live in fear. The former, of not being able to repay and thus losing his possessions. The latter - mostly banks - of the huge amounts of loans whose loss would spell disaster for a system already in deep crisis as billions of dollars in foreign loans to govermments overseas are quietly written off as unpayable. The explosion of the credit deck of cards is an arrow aimed at the heart of American democracy and social order. It will prove the illusory nature of the pension system - both governmental and private - a pension system that tens of millions innocently believe is there and theirs. Economic collapse will see raging mobs seeking both scapegoat and vengeance. The demagogues and haters will gladly present both. The scapegoat will be the minority who is so visible in his wealth and success; whose name in taverns and bars (the only places where one really hears the truth of what America thinks) brings forth hideous envy and jealousy and hate. His name is the Jew.
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
Monday, December 13, 2010
Have We Gone Mad?
“In its time will I hurry it” (Isaiah 60). And the Rabbis explain: “If they, (the Jews) merit it, it (the redemption) will come hurriedly. If they do not merit it – it will come (only) in its time.” (Sanhedrin 96)
The question that arises is: If the Jew does not merit it, why should the Almighty bring him redemption at all? What is this “time” that is mentioned in the Scriptures hat is a final point at which, regardless of the lack of merits of the Jew, the final redemption will come? Why should it come and when we expect it to come – what are the signs that presage its arrival? […] The key to the bringing of the final redemption is the descent, so to speak, of the Almighty, the G-d of Israel, into such desecration, contempt and humiliation in the eyes of the nations as to question not only his Omnipotence, but indeed, His basic existence!
And as the Scriptures and the Rabbis again and again emphasize, the power of the G-d of Israel and His very existence are weighed and proven to the nations by the strength and victory of His people, Israel, or “disproven” by their weakness and defeat. This humiliation of the Jew is seen as the weakness and indeed, non-existence of the G-d of the Jew, a thing that is known as Hillul Hashem, the vacuum and void in which the Almighty is simply non-existent. Jewish power and victory, on the other hand, are seen as proof that there is a G-d in Israel, all-powerful, controlling, the world. That is why the Exile, with all its horrors and humiliations and defeats for the Jew, was the very essence of Hillul Hashem, while a return to the Land of Israel, in spite of the enemies of the Jew, is proof of G-d’s Omnipotence and is, the very opposite – Kiddush Hashem, the introduction and inviting of the Almighty into the world – because He exists in all His power and does indeed control it.
That is the reason for redemption “in its time,” despite the unworthiness of the Jew. And clearly we are living in that era today. One who does not understand is partner to one who refuses to understand. The era of the beginning of the redemption is surely at hand and woe unto the deceivers who deliberately refuse to accept this and who raise the specious and fraudulent arguments that many times in the past during our exile did people rise claiming to be the Messiah and Jews believed that they were living in the era of the redemption, only to be bitterly disappointed.
Of course, there were such periods and many were those who, like Shabtai Zvi, proved to be false Messiahs. But can one compare any of the eras of the false Messiahs to that of today? Did any of the false Messiahs produce a mass return to Eretz Yisrael and an independent Jewish state, no matter how barren of Judaism? What do we make of the Almighty when, with the wave of a hand, we dismiss the rise, after 2,000 years of the Exile, of an independent Jewish state and th return of more than a million Jews from the Exile, as nothing Divine? Do we understand what an incredible miracle is this State, again without reference to its religiosity? Is it a game of chance, an ordinary thing, that a Jewish State arises and so many exiles are ingathered, exactly as the Prophets promised?
Is it an accident of “fate” that ‘old men and old women sit in the broad places of Jerusalem’ and ‘the broad places of the city are filled with boys and girls playing,’ exactly as the prophet envisioned (Zecharia 8)? Do we make of the Almighty a non-player in the world, one who is divorced from all these incredible events? Do we do to Him what the nations did to Him during the long Exile – proclaim His irrelevancy or even His non-existence? Have we gone mad?
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
The question that arises is: If the Jew does not merit it, why should the Almighty bring him redemption at all? What is this “time” that is mentioned in the Scriptures hat is a final point at which, regardless of the lack of merits of the Jew, the final redemption will come? Why should it come and when we expect it to come – what are the signs that presage its arrival? […] The key to the bringing of the final redemption is the descent, so to speak, of the Almighty, the G-d of Israel, into such desecration, contempt and humiliation in the eyes of the nations as to question not only his Omnipotence, but indeed, His basic existence!
And as the Scriptures and the Rabbis again and again emphasize, the power of the G-d of Israel and His very existence are weighed and proven to the nations by the strength and victory of His people, Israel, or “disproven” by their weakness and defeat. This humiliation of the Jew is seen as the weakness and indeed, non-existence of the G-d of the Jew, a thing that is known as Hillul Hashem, the vacuum and void in which the Almighty is simply non-existent. Jewish power and victory, on the other hand, are seen as proof that there is a G-d in Israel, all-powerful, controlling, the world. That is why the Exile, with all its horrors and humiliations and defeats for the Jew, was the very essence of Hillul Hashem, while a return to the Land of Israel, in spite of the enemies of the Jew, is proof of G-d’s Omnipotence and is, the very opposite – Kiddush Hashem, the introduction and inviting of the Almighty into the world – because He exists in all His power and does indeed control it.
That is the reason for redemption “in its time,” despite the unworthiness of the Jew. And clearly we are living in that era today. One who does not understand is partner to one who refuses to understand. The era of the beginning of the redemption is surely at hand and woe unto the deceivers who deliberately refuse to accept this and who raise the specious and fraudulent arguments that many times in the past during our exile did people rise claiming to be the Messiah and Jews believed that they were living in the era of the redemption, only to be bitterly disappointed.
Of course, there were such periods and many were those who, like Shabtai Zvi, proved to be false Messiahs. But can one compare any of the eras of the false Messiahs to that of today? Did any of the false Messiahs produce a mass return to Eretz Yisrael and an independent Jewish state, no matter how barren of Judaism? What do we make of the Almighty when, with the wave of a hand, we dismiss the rise, after 2,000 years of the Exile, of an independent Jewish state and th return of more than a million Jews from the Exile, as nothing Divine? Do we understand what an incredible miracle is this State, again without reference to its religiosity? Is it a game of chance, an ordinary thing, that a Jewish State arises and so many exiles are ingathered, exactly as the Prophets promised?
Is it an accident of “fate” that ‘old men and old women sit in the broad places of Jerusalem’ and ‘the broad places of the city are filled with boys and girls playing,’ exactly as the prophet envisioned (Zecharia 8)? Do we make of the Almighty a non-player in the world, one who is divorced from all these incredible events? Do we do to Him what the nations did to Him during the long Exile – proclaim His irrelevancy or even His non-existence? Have we gone mad?
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
In Its Time
“Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take of the Tree of Life and eat and live forever.” (Genesis 3)
Man comes full circle. The putting forth of the hand in an attempt to reach immortality, to be as G-d. To be G-d! The essence of unbridled arrogant pride and ambition, the apex of Hillul Hashem. Yesterday, the first man, we, those of the final era.
Lasers, superconductors, transplants, near-human computer intelligence, artificial insemination and birth outside the womb, and above all, the discovery, tinkering with - and soon – creation of genes. Life itself, creation, becomes the goal of the neo-Adam. And he moves closer and closer to attainment of the moment when he sees himself as becoming Creator, Omnipotent and sovereign of life itself. It is the apex of Hillul Hashem and [...] the reason why this era - by its very nature - becomes the moment of [redemption] “in its time.” The moment when Man begins to move toward Divinity is the moment when G-d rises to touch him and say, “You who come from the dust and who wishes to rule – go; Go and rule the dust.”
And as an integral part of all this and so as to emphasize even more the reason for this era being the moment of “its time,” is the fact that in the arrogant attack on G-d as Creator and King, it is the Jew who, sadly, leads all the rest. And the words of the Rabbis echo throughout the ages: ‘This nation (the Jews) is likened to the dust and the stars: When they go down, they go down to the dust and when they rise, they rise to the stars.” (Megila 16). And the reference is not only to Jewish destiny. It is true, too, for the very characteristics of the Jew. One who is capable of achieving the highest spiritual heights, of climbing the tallest elevation of the soul. And one who is also capable of leading all the rest in descent to the depths of anarchy and rebellion and decadence and the casting off of the yoke of Heaven. Intoxicated and seduced by his intelligence, it is exactly that which becomes for the Jew the source of an arrogance that leads him, the son of the people that gave the world the idea of One G-d, to reject with contempt, the very existence of G-d. No one is a s vociferous and as much a leader in the struggle to deny G-d and enthrone Man and his intellect on the throne of Creation, as the Jew. And because of this, too, this must be the era of “its time.”
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
Man comes full circle. The putting forth of the hand in an attempt to reach immortality, to be as G-d. To be G-d! The essence of unbridled arrogant pride and ambition, the apex of Hillul Hashem. Yesterday, the first man, we, those of the final era.
Lasers, superconductors, transplants, near-human computer intelligence, artificial insemination and birth outside the womb, and above all, the discovery, tinkering with - and soon – creation of genes. Life itself, creation, becomes the goal of the neo-Adam. And he moves closer and closer to attainment of the moment when he sees himself as becoming Creator, Omnipotent and sovereign of life itself. It is the apex of Hillul Hashem and [...] the reason why this era - by its very nature - becomes the moment of [redemption] “in its time.” The moment when Man begins to move toward Divinity is the moment when G-d rises to touch him and say, “You who come from the dust and who wishes to rule – go; Go and rule the dust.”
And as an integral part of all this and so as to emphasize even more the reason for this era being the moment of “its time,” is the fact that in the arrogant attack on G-d as Creator and King, it is the Jew who, sadly, leads all the rest. And the words of the Rabbis echo throughout the ages: ‘This nation (the Jews) is likened to the dust and the stars: When they go down, they go down to the dust and when they rise, they rise to the stars.” (Megila 16). And the reference is not only to Jewish destiny. It is true, too, for the very characteristics of the Jew. One who is capable of achieving the highest spiritual heights, of climbing the tallest elevation of the soul. And one who is also capable of leading all the rest in descent to the depths of anarchy and rebellion and decadence and the casting off of the yoke of Heaven. Intoxicated and seduced by his intelligence, it is exactly that which becomes for the Jew the source of an arrogance that leads him, the son of the people that gave the world the idea of One G-d, to reject with contempt, the very existence of G-d. No one is a s vociferous and as much a leader in the struggle to deny G-d and enthrone Man and his intellect on the throne of Creation, as the Jew. And because of this, too, this must be the era of “its time.”
(Rav Meir Kahane - taken from "Forty Years")
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Carmel disaster triggered an endless blame game. Rav Ovadia Yosef blamed Chillul Shabbat. The media blamed Yishai and Netanyahu. Yishai blamed Ariel Sharon. Others blamed Dan Chalutz. Chalutz blames the current government. Kadima wants Netanyahu to resign.
How could the burned bus not remind one of the scores of burned busses of the second "Intifada?" Unbelievably, the blame game was never really pursued regarding the uncountable horrors commanded by Arafat et al. Land for peace was too holy - an untouchable faith. And so it came to be that until this very day the priests of land-for-peace are the Gedolei HaDor, holding key positions in the State of Israel. Shimon Peres sits on high on the secular side, and you know who sits high on the religious side. How did we let this happen? And how is Ehud Barak, the igniter of Arafat and the enabler of Hezbolla, our minister of Defense? How is this man speaking his blatantly foolish mind on behalf of the Jewish State as if he were the minister of Foreign Affairs? Could there be a better cause for heavenly fire than such brazen national refusal to mend our ways?
Kahane was right.
How could the burned bus not remind one of the scores of burned busses of the second "Intifada?" Unbelievably, the blame game was never really pursued regarding the uncountable horrors commanded by Arafat et al. Land for peace was too holy - an untouchable faith. And so it came to be that until this very day the priests of land-for-peace are the Gedolei HaDor, holding key positions in the State of Israel. Shimon Peres sits on high on the secular side, and you know who sits high on the religious side. How did we let this happen? And how is Ehud Barak, the igniter of Arafat and the enabler of Hezbolla, our minister of Defense? How is this man speaking his blatantly foolish mind on behalf of the Jewish State as if he were the minister of Foreign Affairs? Could there be a better cause for heavenly fire than such brazen national refusal to mend our ways?
Kahane was right.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Oil Rally
The world's currencies are being inflated almost without precedent. The European Union is avoiding the bankruptcy of European countries by lending them new money. The US issues huge amounts of money, lending to itself. Likewise, the UK inflates the pound, South American countries inflate their currencies, and so forth. We are entering an age of inflation. The demand for oil exceeds the supply, which can no longer be increased. The demand must therefore be reduced, and the inflation is to accomplish this. The price of oil has started a long rally, one that will bring great trouble to the world. To the right you can see the price of crude oil in real time.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Painful Questions
Was it not the great Radbaz who paskened that the Dome of the Rock stands on Makom HaMikdash? Could it be that the Jewish consensus regarding the Temple Mount is off? Could it be that the Arabs, ever lying, are right when they say that the Jewish Temples did not stand on the Temple Mount?
The questions are painful, but must be posed. Below is an interesting warning from the Rambam's letter to the community of Marseille. The Rambam addresses astrology, but I submit that the same logic applies to those who hold that Tradition and Psak trump the Truth. It is much harder to assess the truth than to assume it. However, the former is the task of every generation, as Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi put it: "all the generations who have entered the covenant, are duty bound to examine the secrets of the Torah and to straighten out our faith concerning it by accepting the truth from whomever says it." And now the Rambam:
Thus you ought to know that fools have composed thousands of books of nothingness and emptiness. Any number of men, great in years but not in wisdom, wasted all their days in studying these books and imagined that these follies are science. They came to think of themselves as wise men because they knew that science. The thing about which most of the world errs, or all of it—save for a few individuals, “the remnant of whom the Lord shall call” (Joel 3:5)—is that thing of which I am apprising you. The great sickness and the “grievous evil” (Eccles. 5:12, 15) consist in this: that all the things that man finds written in books, he presumes to think of as true—and all the more so if the books are old. And since many individuals have busied themselves with those books and have engaged in discussions concerning them, the rash fellow’s mind at once leaps to the conclusion that these are words of wisdom, and he says to himself: “Has the pen of the scribes written in vain” (Jer. 8:8), and have they vainly engaged in these things? This is why our kingdom was lost and our Temple was destroyed...
The questions are painful, but must be posed. Below is an interesting warning from the Rambam's letter to the community of Marseille. The Rambam addresses astrology, but I submit that the same logic applies to those who hold that Tradition and Psak trump the Truth. It is much harder to assess the truth than to assume it. However, the former is the task of every generation, as Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi put it: "all the generations who have entered the covenant, are duty bound to examine the secrets of the Torah and to straighten out our faith concerning it by accepting the truth from whomever says it." And now the Rambam:
Thus you ought to know that fools have composed thousands of books of nothingness and emptiness. Any number of men, great in years but not in wisdom, wasted all their days in studying these books and imagined that these follies are science. They came to think of themselves as wise men because they knew that science. The thing about which most of the world errs, or all of it—save for a few individuals, “the remnant of whom the Lord shall call” (Joel 3:5)—is that thing of which I am apprising you. The great sickness and the “grievous evil” (Eccles. 5:12, 15) consist in this: that all the things that man finds written in books, he presumes to think of as true—and all the more so if the books are old. And since many individuals have busied themselves with those books and have engaged in discussions concerning them, the rash fellow’s mind at once leaps to the conclusion that these are words of wisdom, and he says to himself: “Has the pen of the scribes written in vain” (Jer. 8:8), and have they vainly engaged in these things? This is why our kingdom was lost and our Temple was destroyed...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Fort Antonia
Now as to the tower of Antonia, it was situated at the corner of two cloisters of the court of the temple; of that on the west, and that on the north; it was erected upon a rock of fifty cubits in height, and was on a great precipice; it was the work of king Herod, wherein he demonstrated his natural magnanimity. In the first place, the rock itself was covered over with smooth pieces of stone, from its foundation, both for ornament, and that any one who would either try to get up or to go down it might not be able to hold his feet upon it. Next to this, and before you come to the edifice of the tower itself, there was a wall three cubits high; but within that wall all the space of the tower of Antonia itself was built upon, to the height of forty cubits. The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace. And as the entire structure resembled that of a tower, it contained also four other distinct towers at its four corners; whereof the others were but fifty cubits high; whereas that which lay upon the southeast corner was seventy cubits high, that from thence the whole temple might be viewed; but on the corner where it joined to the two cloisters of the temple, it had passages down to them both, through which the guard (for there always lay in this tower a Roman legion) went several ways among the cloisters, with their arms, on the Jewish festivals, in order to watch the people, that they might not there attempt to make any innovations; for the temple was a fortress that guarded the city, as was the tower of Antonia a guard to the temple; and in that tower were the guards of those three.
Fort Antonia was huge, like a city, big enough to house a Roman legion. It seems to me that it must be that it was built around the rock that is now under the Dome. Thus it was in between two deep valleys, one to the East and one to the West. On the northern side was an artificial ditch. I would guess that the part of the Antonian rock that was made smooth was the southern side of the ditch. Flavius Josephus relates to the ditch when he describes "The War of the Jews"(5:2) the Betseda hill:
It [Betseda] lies over against the tower Antonia, but is divided from it by a deep valley, which was dug on purpose, and that in order to hinder the foundations of the tower of Antonia from joining to this hill, and thereby affording an opportunity for getting to it with ease, and hindering the security that arose from its superior elevation; for which reason also that depth of the ditch made the elevation of the towers more remarkable.
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