Monday, April 5, 2010

Kriyat Yam Suf

What forces the Nations to chase after Israel?

When Paraoh pursued Israel as it stood before Yam Suf, Israel was seriously divided about how to handle the situation. Some wanted to give up and return to Egypt. Some wanted to fight the Egyptian army. Some prayed fervently. Some wanted to jump into the sea. In the end, the truth became apparent to all, and Israel stood united. It would not have happened without Paraoh. It would not have happened without Moshe.

The same is true today. The nations of the world are unknowingly pushing for the redemption of the truth, and sense that this must come from Israel and the Torah of Israel. In the mean time, Israel is very divided about Torah in general, and regarding the correct approach to the redemptive process in particular.

Getting Israel to agree on the truth is literally as hard as Kriyat Yam Suf. It cannot happen without an event similar to Kriyat Yam Suf. It cannot happen without Moshiach.